Laws and government
General info:
If you want to be an involved citizen, what i'd recommend is attending either
city council meetings or your district's council meetings.
You can send them questions and they will answer them. Im sure how many will depend on where you live.
Section 1: Canada
If i understand this correctly,
the below text/image means that the federal government of canada
can pass laws that violate any right of any citizen.
I dont imagine it would be easy though, but its possible.
Correction: its really easy. Just look at Quebec and it's law on no religious items in schools by teachers.
The notwithstanding clause from the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was used to prevent anyone from
challenging the law in court.
Below image is from the Canadian Bill of Rights btw.
• Here's a video from the CBC talking about the Charter bill of rights and freedoms's notwithstanding clause: (YOUTUBE LINK)