The nanobots are similar to parasitic worms.
A tin foil room lined with straw will deactive all nanobots.
Masks contain nanobots aswell as lead.(1)
5G/cell towers are used to give you covid and read your thoughts.(2)
Nanobots shed off the vaccinated.
Bitchute is nice place for info.
Im not really sure if the robots are real but this page is still good for research.
Featured: A simple way to possibly remove almost all contents of
the vaccines when it gets into your bloostream. (LINK)
(will test on my computer with linux)RESULTS: no special mac addresses detected
Food and drug administration admits no real
proof of prevention of transmition of disease was nessesary to approve covid-19 vaccines:
And below are my own findings in the document. and the full thing (pdf)
does not work anymore. I replaced it with a copy i had.
Random facts about the plandemic:
Congress and anyone working in the federal court system
do not require covid vaccines. (bit unfair right)
Proof covid is just pneumonia + flu rebranded.
Covid deaths 2019-2023: 6,800,575
Pneumonia deaths 2019: 2,500,000
Average flu deaths in a year: 646,000
Total Deaths in a year:646,000 + 2,500,000 = 3,146,000
Covid deaths july-2020 to 2021-july: 4,042,921
(July because im told thats when covid testing started)
Theres around 900 thousand deaths that would have to be
other diseases falsely recorded as covid deaths.
Still pretty close though. - Pneumonia data - Flu data
Covid cases 2021-july
(theres no Pneumonia data for 2020-2021)
(and very little cases of flu during 2020)
(This theory is better viewed with the idea that getting sick is caused by pollutants in your environment) Here's a video that explains what i'm talking about
(So covid would just be a more severe pollutant detox than that of the flu)